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Captain Morgan Dark Rum

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The classic recipe combines the ancient rum traditions of Jamaica, Guyana and Barbados to create an intense, full-bodied experience with a striking dark colour and oak finish. Each batch of Captain Morgan Dark rum is aged in carefully selected American oak bourbon barrels for at least two years, and is then blended by master blender Ron Maestro to achieve a smooth taste experience with notes of vanilla and toffee. Oak barrels give the rum a deep smoky and woody finish. The aroma of vanilla stands out, complemented by chocolate, cinnamon, coconut, peach, nutmeg, and exotic herbs, which give the drink a mild warmth. The taste of Captain Morgan is soft, mild and round, with distinct notes of exotic fruits. The aftertaste is pleasantly spicy with hints of vanilla and cocoa. The face of the Captain Morgan brand is the real-life Captain Sir Henry Morgan, a 17th-century pirate who would make Jamaica the world's festivity capital. Today, his spirit lives on through our legendary rum drinks, perfect for any event. For the classic Cuba Libre, mix Captain Morgan Dark Rum with cola, ice and lime.
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